First Time Homebuyer Education
Housing Nantucket offers First Time Home Buyer Education in the classroom and online.
Housing Nantucket’s course has received the Massachusetts Homeownership Collaborative’s “Seal of Approval” from the Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA). This class fulfills the First Time Homebuyer Ed requirement of the ONE Mortgage, MassHousing, and FHA loans, as well as the Town of Nantucket’s Closing Cost Assistance Program among others.
These classes are made possible through generous grants from Hingham Savings Bank, Nantucket Bank, Cape Cod 5 Cents Savings Bank, and the Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s Community Health Initiative.
Over 600 students have graduated from our class… and counting!
Classroom Learning
First Time Home Buyer and ReBuilding Your Credit Classes
The next First-Time HOMEBUYER EDUCATION COURSE will be held October 1st, 8th, and 15th, 2025. Classes are from 5:30-8:30 pm and are held at the Large Group Instruction (LGI) room at Nantucket High School. Students must attend all three classes to receive certification. FREE for Nantucket residents.
In this nine hour course, prospective home buyers will learn from local professionals about the entire home buying process, including how to deal with credit issues, working with a real estate agent, applying for a mortgage and more.