Entries by housing nantucket

Solar Power at Wiggles Way

MassDEP officials toured Wiggles Way earlier this month, excited by the carport solar array installation currently in progress. The 130 kW PhotoVoltaic system will power 22 apartments to be completed later this year.

Honeysuckle Drive Progress

Progress ran the gamut at our jobsite on Honeysuckle Drive this month. Through a design-build partnership with the Richmond Company, construction crews went gangbusteres framing three dwellings targeted for middle-income Nantucket households.

Wiggles Way Progress

Thirteen months after breaking ground, progress at Wiggles Way continues at a steady pace. This community project is only possible through collaboration and support, every step of the way.

Safe Harbor Status Extended

Nantucket has made great strides to increase the number of affordable housing units across the island recently, earning the town another two years of “safe harbor”. This major accomplishment provides some breathing room, but there is still work to be done.